Since 1965 The Micosurgical Transplantation Research Foundation has supported ground breaking research for the advancement of reconstructive surgery. By encouraging both research in microsugery and training of microsugeons, the foundation has directly and indirectly contributed to many advances in restorative medicine:

Support for Research

In 1957, Dr. Harry J. Buncke was inspired by Mr. Thomas Gibson to develop techniques for transplanting blocks of tissue on small vessels of 1 millimeter. Seven years later in March of 1964, he reported the first successful rabbit ear replantation to the Plastic Surgical Research Council meeting. Special micro instruments, sutures and hand-made needles needed to be developed to perform these procedures. Reimplantation of fingers was a dream. Surgeons needed to be trained. The Microsurgical Transplantation Research Foundation was founded to support this dream.

It is within this tradition and with Harry Buncke's inspiration that the foundation continues our mission to advance the science of microsurgery and to train residents and fellows from around the country and the world.  With the generous support of many benefactors, the foundation dedicates resources to the health and well being through microsurgical research and training.

Support for Training

More than 200 clinical fellows and fifty four research fellows have been supported in part by the foundation. More than twenty-seven have subsequently become department chairmen or co-chairmen. Over 400 articles, books, and chapters have been published that have been supported in whole, or in part, by the Microsurgical Transplantation Research Foundation..

Selected Recent Scientific Publications Supported by the Foundation:

Technical Assessment of Connector-Assisted Nerve Repair. Isaacs J, Safa B, Evans PJ, Greenberg J. J Hand Surg Am. May, 2016.

Challenges of Change: Can 7 years be better than 6 years for a plastic surgery trainee? McRae M, McRae M, Forte AJ. Ann Plast Surg. 74(6):635-6,2015.

Microsurgical ear replantation-is venous repair necessary?-A systematic review. Momeni A, Liu X, Januszyk M, Wan DC, Buncke GM, Buntic RF, Parrett BM. Microsurgery. Apr , 2015.

Outcomes of short-gap sensory nerve injuries reconstructed with processed nerve allografts from a multicenter registry study. Rinker BD, Ingari JV, Greenberg JA, Thayer WP, Safa B, Buncke GM. J Reconstr Microsurg. 31(5):384-902 2015.

Biomechanical evaluation of metacarpal fracture fixation: application of a 90° internal fixation model. Watt AJ, Ching RP, Huang JI. Hand (N Y). 10(1):94-9, 2015.

Surgical exposures of the hand. Watt AJ, Chung KC. Hand Clin. 2014 Nov;30(4):445-57, 2014.

The safety of and indications for immediate reconstruction of head and neck melanoma defects: our early experience. Parrett BM, Kashani-Sabet M, Leong SP, Buncke N, Singer MI. Ann Plast Surg. 72 Suppl 1:S35-7, 2014.

Cross-leg flaps: preferred alternative to free flaps? Momeni A, Buntic RF, Buncke GM. J Am Coll Surg. 218(2):308-9, 2014.

Free Partial Muscle Flaps. R Buntic, In Reconstructive Surgery Of The Lower Extremity. Editors: L L Q Pu, JP Levine and FC Wei. Quality Medical Publishing. 747-762, 2013.

Wraparound Flap. Buntic and Buncke, in The art of microsurgical reconstruction. Editor: David Stutsky. Thieme Medcical Publishers, 427-432, 2013.

Long-term results and costs of muscle flap coverage with Ilizarov bone transport in lower limb salvage. Lowenberg DW, Buntic RF, Buncke GM, Parrett BM. J Orthop Trauma. 27(10):576, 2013.

Functional outcome following nerve repair in the upper extremity using processed nerve allograft. Cho MS, Rinker BD, Weber RV, Chao JD, Ingari JV, Brooks D, Buncke GM. J Hand Surg Am. 37(11):2340-9, 2012.

Microvascular approach to scalp replantation and reconstruction: a thirty-six year experience. Herrera F, Buntic R, Brooks D, Buncke G, Antony AK. Microsurgery. 32(8):591-7, 2012.

The utility of multimedia in the diagnosis and management of acute and subacute problems in hand surgery. Althubaiti G, Buntic R, Brooks D. Ann Plast Surg. 68(4):389-90, 2012

Transverse upper gracilis flap as an alternative to abdominal tissue breast reconstruction: technique and modifications. Buntic RF, Horton KM, Brooks D, Althubaiti GA. Plast Reconstr Surg. 128(6):607e-13e, 2011.

Artery-vein-artery venous flap for simultaneous soft-tissue repair and radial artery reconstruction: case report. Rounds K, Buntic R, Brooks D. J Hand Surg Am. 36(8):1339-42, 2011

Standardized protocol for artery-only fingertip replantation.  Buntic RF, Brooks D.  J Hand Surg Am. 35:1491, 2010.

Refining outcomes in dorsal hand coverage: consideration of aesthetics and donor-site morbidity.  Parrett BM, Bou-Merhi JS, Buntic RF, Safa B, Buncke GM, Brooks D.  Plast Reconstr Surg. 126:1630, 2010.

Resurfacing of a complex upper extremity injury: an excellent indication for the dorsal thoracic fascial flap. Hazani R, Brooks D, Buntic RF. Microsurgery. 29:128, 2009.

Simultaneous double second toe transplantation for reconstruction of multiple digit loss in traumatic hand injuries. Herrera FA, Lee CK, Brooks D, Buntic R, Buncke GM. J Reconstr Microsurg. 25:369, 2009.

How often is the superficial inferior epigastric artery adequate? An observational correlation.  Herrera FA, Selber JC, Buntic R, Brooks D, Buncke GM, Antony AK. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 63:e310, 2009.

Microsurgical reconstruction of the burned hand. Karanas YL, Buntic RF. Hand Clin. 25:551, 2009.

Bilateral Breast Reconstruction: The Simultaneous Use of Autogenous Tissue and Identical Twin Isograft. Hazani R, Coots BK, Buntic RF, Brooks D.   Ann Plast Surg. 63:496, 2009

A simple and reliable technique for harvesting skin from a "spare part" by a single operator.  Brooks D, Kim S, Buntic RF.  Plast Reconstr Surg. 124:e460, 2009

Microsurgical reconstruction of the burned hand. Karanas YL, Buntic RF. Hand Clin. 25:551, 2009.

A recommended protocol for the immediate postoperative care of lower extremity free-flap reconstructions. Rohde C, Howell BW, Buncke GM, Gurtner GC, Levin LS, Pu LL, Levine JP. J Reconstr Microsurg. 25:15, 2009.

Creation of a four-joint-digit after second toe to digit transplantation: Restoration of form and function. Brooks D, Buntic, RF, De Jesus R. Microsurgery. Oct, 2008.

The Free Partial Superior Latissimus (PSL) Muscle Flap: Preservation of Donor Site Form and Function.  Buntic, MD, Horton KM, Brooks D, LeeCK.  Plast Reconstr Surg, 121:1659, 2008.

Simultaneous coverage of two separate dorsal digital defects with a syndactylizing venous free flap. Trovato MJ, Brooks D, Buntic RF, Buncke GM.  Microsurgery. 28:248, 2008.

Patterns in Blast Injuries to the Hand. Hazani R, Buntic RF, Brooks D. Hand, 4:44, 2008.

Use of the venous flap for salvage of difficult ring avulsion injuries.  Brooks D, Buntic RF, Taylor C.  Microsurgery.  28:397-402, 2008.

Microsurgical scalp reconstruction after a mountain lion attack.  Hazani R, Buntic RF, Brooks D.  Ann Plast Surg. 61:265-8, 2008.

Creation of a four-joint-digit after second toe to digit transplantation: Restoration of form and function.  Brooks D, Buntic RF, De Jesus R. Microsurgery. Oct, 2008.

Partial muscle harvest: our first 100 cases attempting to preserve form and function at the donor site.   Brooks D, Buntic RF. Microsurgery.  28:606, 2008.

Use of circular external fixation to maintain foot position during free tissue transfer to the foot and ankle.  Lowenberg DW, Sadeghi C, Brooks D, Buncke GM, Buntic RF.  Microsurgery. 28:623, 2008.

Management of exposed total knee prostheses with microvascular tissue transfer.  Cetrulo CL Jr, Shiba T, Friel MT, Davis B, Buntic RF, Buncke GM, Brooks D.  Microsurgery.  28:617. 2008.

Index finger salvage with replantation and revascularization: revisiting conventional wisdom.  Buntic RF, Brooks D, Buncke GM.  Microsurgery. 28:612, 2008.

Resurfacing of a complex upper extremity injury: An excellent indication for the dorsal thoracic fascial flap. Hazani R, Brooks D, Buntic RF. Microsurgery. Dec 18, 2008.

Travato MJ, Brooks D, Buntic RF, Buncke GM. Simultaneous coverage of two separate dorsal digital defects with a syndactilized venous free flap. Microsurgery, 28: 248, 2008.

Buntic RF, Horton KM, Brooks D, Lee CK. The free partial superior latissimus muscle flap: preservation of donor-site form and function. Plast Reconstr Surg. 121:1659, 2008.

Brooks D. “The Heavy Lifting is Done.” Microsurgery. 28:583, 2008.

Great toe transplant versus thumb replant for isolated thumb amputation: critical analysis of functional outcome. Rosson GD, Buncke GM, Buncke HJ. Microsurgery. 28:598, 2008.

The Dixie Cup technique for salvaging limb length and preserving nerve continuity in the mangled lower extremity. Bodor R, Herrera FA, Dickinson J, Buncke GM, Buncke HJ. Ann Plast Surg. 61:83, 2008.

Swimmer's nose deformity. Bodor RM, Breithaupt AD, Buncke GM, Bailey JR, Buncke HJ. Ann Plast Surg. 60:658, 2008

Patency of radial arteries reconstructed after radial forearm flap harvest. Kiehn M, Brooks D, Lee C, Kind G, Buntic R, Buncke G. J Reconstr Microsurg. 23:347, 2007.

Aeromonas hydrophila infection causing delayed vascular thrombosis in a nearly amputated finger. Herrera FA, Horton K, Suliman A, Buncke GM. J Hand Surg Am. 32:1058, 2007.

Lee CK, Pardun J, Buntic R, Kiehn M, Brooks D, Buncke HJ.  Severe frostbite of the knees after cryotherapy.  Orthopedics. 30(1):63, 2007.

Brooks D, Buntic RF, Kind GM, Schott K, Buncke GM, Buncke HJ.  Ring Avulsion: Injury Pattern, Treatment, and Outcome.  Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 34:187, 2007.

Detection of perfusion disturbances in digit replantation using near-infrared spectroscopy and serial quantitative fluorimetry.  Colwell S, Buntic, R, Brooks D, Buncke G, Buncke H, Samet S, Wright L.  J Hand Surg.31:456, 2006.

Induction of tolerance to composite tissue allograft in a rat model. Lowenberg DW, Buncke HJ, Romeo OM, Brooks D, Buntic RF, Baxter-Lowe LA Microsurgery 26(8):573, 2006.

Brooks D, Buntic RF.  Determination of the vascular configuration in autogenous breast reconstruction using abdominal tissue: simple but not necessarily easy. Plast Reconstr Surg 118:1665, 2006.

An aesthetic perquisite of rectus muscle transplantation in extremity reconstruction.  Brooks D and Buntic RF.  Ann Plast Surg. 54:109, 2005.

Salvage of Radial Forearm Flap transferred onto a by-pass graft with conversion from a high-to-low resistance circulatory pattern:  Case Report.  Brooks D, Buntic RF and Nguyen N.  J of Recon Microsurg. 21:355, 2005.

Free Partial Medial Rectus (PMR) Muscle Flap for Closure of Complex  Extremity Wounds.  Buntic RF and Brooks D.  Plas Recon  Surg. 116:1434, 2005.

Invited Discussion:  Detailed Neurovascular Anatomy of the Serratus Anterior Muscle:  Implications for a Functional Muscle Flap with Multiple Independent Force Vectors.  Buntic RF and Buncke HJ.  Plas Recon Surg  Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. 114(1):30-31, July 2004.

Dextran-related complications in head and neck microsurgery: do the benefits outweigh the risks?  Buntic RF, Brooks D, Buncke HJ, Buncke GM.  Plast Recon Surg. 114:1008, 2004.

Pediatric Mutilating Hand Injuries.  G.M. Buncke, R. F. Buntic, O. Romeo.  Clin Plast Surg.  19:121, 2003.

Composite tissue allografting: CTA.  Buncke H, Lowenber DW, Buncke G, Buntic RF, Brooks D.  Surg Technol Int.  11:292, 2003.

The Harvest and Clinical Application of The Superficial Peroneal Sensory Nerve for Grafting Motor and Sensory Nerve Defects Rudolf F. Buntic, MD, Harry J. Buncke, MD, Gabriel M. Kind, MD, Brian T. Chin, MS, David Ruebeck, MD, Gregory M Buncke, MD.  Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol 109:145, 2002.

Use of a Venous Flap from an Amputated Part for Salvage of an Upper Extremity Injury. Brooks D, Buntic R, Buncke HJ.  Ann Plast Surg.  48:189, 2002.

Cross-facial and functional microvascular muscle transplantation for longstanding facial paralysis.  HJ. Buncke, G. M. Buncke, G.M. Kind, R. F. Buntic, D. Brooks, B.T. Chin.  Clin Plast Surg.  29:551, 2002.

Zhang F, Pang Y, Buntic R, Jones M, Cai Z, Buncke HJ, Lineaweaver WC.  Effect of sequence, timing of vascular anastomosis, and clamp removal on survival of microsurgical flaps. J Reconstr Microsurg. 18:697, 2002.

Rope avulsion of the thumb:  a review of sixty-five cases.  Brooks, D., Buntic, R. F., Kind, G., M., Schott, K., Buncke, G., M., Buncke, H., J.  In Proceedings of the Inaugural Congress of the World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Taipei, Taiwan, October 31- November 3, 2001.

Ring Avulsion Injuries:  Treatment Outcome with Microsurgical Techniques.  Brooks, D., Buntic, R. F., Kind, G., M., Schott, K., Buncke, G., M., Buncke, H., J.  Proceedings of the Inaugural Congress of the World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Taipei, Taiwan, October 31- November 3, 2001.

Neuroma transposition and intramuscular implantation using the Mitek "soft-tissue anchor": a new technique.  Brooks D, Panthaki Z, Buncke HJ, Buncke GM. Ann Plast Surg. 47:257, 2001.

CoStasis provides superior control of diffuse bleeding at muscle-flap donor sites, compared to manual compression. Buncke GM, Sherman R. J Reconstr Microsurg.  16:557, 2000.


The Foundation has the personnel, motivation and vision to continue to advance Microsurgery research and training in the 21st century. In the past, the Foundation has received grants from government sources, such as the Office of Naval Research, as well as from the Crosby Foundation, the Randolph Hearst Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, and many private citizens. The Buncke Microsurgery Foundation is a 501c3 tax-exempt research organization registered with the Federal and State governments. Its financial consultant will be happy to discuss contribution options with you or your financial advisor concerning Federal and State income tax exemptions. Additional information regarding our research and training goals and activities can be obtained at any time by contacting the Foundation office.

To Make a Donation, or For More Information:

The Microsurgical Transplantation research foundation is a 501c3 tax-exempt research organization registered with the Federal and State governments. Its financial consultant, will be happy to discuss contribution options with you or your financial advisor concerning Federal and State income tax exemptions. Additional information regarding our research and training goals and activities can be obtained at any time by contacting the Foundation office:

Glen Carlson
The Microsurgical Transplantation Research Foundation
101 El Camino Real North, Suite A
San Mateo, CA 94401


101 El Camino Real North, Suite A
San Mateo, CA 94401


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